Project Educar Dançando

It is a social cultural educative project, multi-disciplinary nature, intended for young people with lower income families and living in a risk area.

It was created in 2005, at the University of Brasilia, to develop activities that integrate the university with the external environment, promoting social inclusion.

At the Present moment, the Project involves 70 children from the outskirts of Brasília - Brazil: Estrutural, Samambaia and Varjão, all of them are districts of Brasília. The workshops are held at Central Campus of the University of Brasilia.

This Project gives the children experience and practice involved in body language and music, with the constant concern to encourage the young in their development, so they can have their place in society.

Copyright © 2009/2010 Projeto Educar Dançando - Todos os direitos reservados